We have been having lots of family time together and time with friends and family and sadly the camera has rarely found it's way off the counter. The days are flying by before us, but here are a few things that have happened in our days that are fun to share:
Sadie has been keeping up her love for art. She drew this picture and then painted it for her Great-Grandma Connie. Her inspiration:
This picture was drawn and painted by Sadie's Great-Grandfather when she was 4 (he was 68 when he made all seven dwarfs for her). I loved seeing these pictures together. I also love that although Grandpa isn't here to see her talent grow, we know that part of his talent lives on through her.
Earlier this week we were able to have breakfast with our dearest friends the Caceres. Why breakfast out (which is such a fun treat!) - to celebreate our amazing friend Katrina. What a blessing she is to each one our lives!
Syrah has been busy too! She started stitching (maybe she will love cross-stitching as much as I do). This was the very beginning stages of this project.
Here it is completed and can you see the proud look on her little face. With the last stitch she said "I did it! All by myself, I did it". I love it!
On a last note with Valentine's Day behind us: I hope you all got lots of kisses!
The girls each got big kisses from Great-Grandma Connie
Sometimes the best kisses are the messy ones!
1 comment:
WOW!!!! Sadie that is incredible! And Syrah your stitching is beautiful! You are both so talented and creative.
We love you,
Mr. and Mrs. caceres
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