I can hardly believe the fun we had on the fourth. Our dear friends the Caceres Family invited some friends and family to enjoy the sunshine day with water-slides, BBQ, chocolate fountain (yum), fireworks and fellowship. It was a blast! I had to get really selective on what pictures to share because we had so many and it was so much fun (did I mention that part all ready?).
Back to the slides...

Samuel; looks chilled, but really it is the face of anticipation for the joy to come!
Samuel; looks chilled, but really it is the face of anticipation for the joy to come!
Morgan watching Samuel attempt a head first slide.
Katrina and her brother Jerome got a little wet in the friendly balloon toss (which ended up with toss your sister in the kiddy pool, which ended up... if I'm going in little brother, so are you!) (fun...do you see it now??)
Love this picture of Dayton, he looks a tad puzzled, maybe intrigued, but certainly he is having FUN!
Thank you to the Caceres family for the wonderful day/night/morning! Thank you to all who came and brought fireworks and yummy food. We had a great time with all of you!
WOW! you have AWESOME pictures! I am getting a disk...right??? THANK YOU and Billy for all that you did to make the party and clean up go so smooth. It was so much fun and I appreciate you both so much. And yes...true friendship is priceless and precious. We love you guys.
Great Photos! Yes, I do see the fun in Jerome and Katrina soaking wet after their dunk! And I love that photo of you and Katrina, I am so glad that you girls have found each other. We hope to join in next year, we'll see how the dogs do. Love, Candy
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