Several years ago (almost seven) Billy, Sadie and myself went to the Tulip festival. We went in the early part of April not knowing that we would find only one small patch of Tulips open!

Here is Sadie (five at the time) with the ONE and only open patch of flowers. One thing that makes me laugh is that I had adjusted the camera to take black and white photos once I realized there was nothing open. This is back before we had a digital camera, so this is the only copy we have!

Gotta love this shot of Sadie and Billy in the fields of tulips, nothing open! I do think that if you look closely Sadie is next to one little one that did open, but hard to tell in black and white.
Moving on to color... Last Sunday after church we went up to the Tulip Festival with our dear friends the Cacere's. I had no idea how bad the traffic would be, but it was fun to have some time with all our families together in one car enjoying the ride.
When we got there it was great to see so many of the Tulips open, they were beautiful!
Micah, Sadie, Samuel & Syrah; they were such troopers stopping often at the request of their mama's wanting photos!!
Much different from seven years ago! A little lady surrounded by pink!
Love this shot of all of us; it isn't often that all four of us get a shot together, so I was grateful for the Caceres capturing this!
You can see lots more photos that Katrina captured at their family site, she captured some amazing shots!!
Love this picture of Syrah.
We stopped and had a picnic lunch.
This is the view from above; there are many areas still not open so you still have time to go!! If you make a day of it you can stop by the town of LaConner which is one of my all time favorite little towns to window shop!
Sadie captured this one lone pink tulip peaking out!
On our way out Sadie captured this shot and I just love it! They ask that you not even pick up the petals; maybe this is why, she would have never captured this great shot otherwise.
After the tulips we went to a place that Katrina recommended. They had a small bakery, nursery, store and best of all ice cream that Katrina said was the best (which says a lot because she is not a fan of the ice cream!).
Katrina capturing the beautiful flowers they had in the nursery!
We had no idea that the line for the ice cream would be so long! However it was worth the wait and it ended the day perfectly (well, actually an amazing sermon from church ended it perfectly, but the ice cream ended our tulip trip!).
We had an amazing time and suggest that you look into heading on to the Tulip Festival yourself; I personally look forward to going again, hopefully it doesn't take us seven years!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful day! Sadies' photos were beautiful. My favorite would be that one pink tulip in the sea of closed flowers. Hope to see you all soon. Love, Candy
great pictures...did i hear a disk was coming my way LOL. my favorite is the petal on the ground!! great shot Sadie.
T, your right.....the ending of the day was the fantastic sermon!
We love you guys and are looking forward to our next adventure....
caceres family
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