This week at the girls school they had an art show that displayed tons of art by the students. I didn't know what to expect, but should have know that it would be amazing and it was! Each and every class was represented and each and every student was represented. In addition they had some of the middle school work on display and some art that parents have done. There was a ton of talent being displayed. They had one entire area dedicated to crafts that the kids could do and throughout the show the middle school kids were walking around with trays of all kinds of pastries, cookies and treats.
Here is Syrah pointing out her leaf water color on display. The board in her hand was a scaventure hunt the kids could participate in if they would like. The questions on the scaventure hunt were geared towards having the kids really look for things within all the art (find an painting that uses waves, find a sculpture that has circles in it, find something that makes you smile, find a piece of art that makes you feel calm, etc).
These are the fifth grade dogs - I had to take a picture of both sides of the tables. They created these out of clay and because they have a kiln in the middle school they are able to do these type of projects. They painted and glazed them, drew a picture of their dog and named it!
Each dog had variations on their tails, heads, eyes, shapes, etc... it was very fun to see each child's creation.
Sadie with her Blue Dog which was one of the very first pieces of art she did at the school.

They had a parent who works with pottery wheels doing demonstrations... there was always a crowd around her and the kids loved asking questions about the process. I watched and it brought back memories of the strength it takes in your arms and hands. It sure appears more "simple" than it is!
They had a parent who works with pottery wheels doing demonstrations... there was always a crowd around her and the kids loved asking questions about the process. I watched and it brought back memories of the strength it takes in your arms and hands. It sure appears more "simple" than it is!
I captured many more pictures of art that stood out to me, but since it isn't our children's we don't' feel right posting it. We got some great ideas for some fun art projects for the summer and beyond and really enjoyed seeing so much work put into the subject of art which is sadly turning into a "special" in many schools that is being removed. I am so grateful that the girls get to do be a part of all of this at their new school!
1 comment:
fantastic art, Sadie and Syrah!!! You are both so very talented.
Mr. and Mrs. Caceres, Samuel and Micah
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