On Saturday we went to the Kangaroo Farm with our friends the Caceres family (we missed you Mr. Caceres!!). There are so many pictures to share and we had a great time. It was interesting to take this tour and learn more about the differences between the Kangaroo and the Wallaby. In addition the farm had several other animals that we all got to pet and feed!
This tree was huge and it had two large swings and some hanging ropes which provided ton of entertainment; the kids loved it!
Samuel feeding this little Kangaroo, who was actually a mommy with baby in her pouch. We never saw a joey, but it was pretty amazing to know they were carrying their tiny ones with them!
These are Kangaroo Jacks front paws... they were amazing. This was a five year old Kangaroo who stood over six feet tall and the owner said that he has about another foot of growth to complete. I knew that they were strong, but to see how large they are is pretty amazing!

This donkey has Micah's entire hand in his mouth; both the donkey's were super gentle and the owner insured us that he does not bite!
This donkey has Micah's entire hand in his mouth; both the donkey's were super gentle and the owner insured us that he does not bite!
Towards the end of the tour we all got to feed the lama's; they preferred to eat the food from your mouth... here is Katrina feeding Mr. T who was very gentle, but didn't want to be petted at all! Doesn't it look like he is giving her a big kiss??
The last part of the tour we all got to hold a baby Wallaby; this is me and Bella. She was the sweetest little girl and I can see how people could fall in love and want to bring them home. She was giving me little kisses and was just a joy to hold and spend time with.
Even Billy fell in love with this little girl (I think he wanted to take her home!). We had a great time and even better to spend it with great friends. We would recommend this tour to others and see ourselves heading back some day!
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