Thursday, July 17, 2008

An Amazing Story...Written by Christ

Okay everyone, this is officially Bill's first entry in the family blog. It should only be appropriate that it is baseball related!! I want to share a story with you about Josh Hamilton. He is a Major League Baseball player that carries with him an amazing story of ultimate trials and tribulation.

I started following him as a player only because of his high baseball statistics for this season and found so much more. Now I follow him because of the great respect I have for him. He acknowledges his love of life, baseball, and more importantly...GOD. Instead of rambling, I am attaching a video below of an interview given by Jim Rome.

Also, here is an article from The Dallas Morning News that tells the story much better than I can do here. The link to the news story is:

How great is our God!! What an inspirational story this guy brings, giving credit to our Lord and Savior.

Signing off of my first post...Billy!!

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