Happy Birthday Sadie!!
Happy 14th Birthday!
Sadie is an amazing young women; she is extremely smart, couragous, funny, caring, loyal, witty and strong. Sadie has grown up in this last year to be an independant thinker and accountable in life new ways. Sadie is a loving, protective big sister. Sadie loves the Lord, her family, reading, playing the piano (new hobby this year), being with her friends at school and youth group and she continues to love the arts. She has started working with the 2-3yr olds at church in the last month and has a huge heart for those kids!
Sadie, we love you so much and are so proud of the choices you are making and the path you are on. We pray this year ahead be a year filled with blessings and filled with the peace only the Lord can provide. We thank you for the lessons you have taught us in your 14 years. We are so blessed by you.