Sadie completed her donation drive for the dogs there were rescued a few weeks back (for the news story click
here). Since she decided to start this many of the dogs have been moved around in order to best care for them. The Everett Animal shelter took 155 of these dogs right away and since that time put all the dogs they currently were housing in foster care. They have not been able to accept any more dogs due to the fact they just don't have the room.
Saturday, Sadie and I drove out to the Animal Shelter and Sadie gave them the $148.00 that she raised. The women who Sadie was talking to said that most of the dogs will be put in foster care in the next few weeks because none of them have lived in a home environment; after that they will be adopted out.
From Sadie:
"Thank you for all who supported the animal shelter. I know that for many people money is tight right now and that there are many places that could use your donations, but I appreciate you helping these animals who had no voice in their situation."
One thing that Sadie learned in her reading and looking further into puppy mills and the situations of shelters is that to home every homeless animal each family would need to own 7 animals. We talked about how often people just want the cute little puppy to bring home, but how the fact is there are so many dogs, cats and other pets that need adoption.
Thank you for your support and please if you are considering getting a pet; consider adoption!