Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Random stuff before we leave for Thanksgiving:

The past few weeks the girls have been super busy finishing their crafts for Christmas! I wish I could share pictures, but they are a surprise!

When Syrah was finished with her projects (which we started in October) she made found fun in an old toy... shrinky dinks! Both the girls spent almost an entire day one day creating many different things.

Syrah with her first batch of shrinky dinks!

On the side Sadie has been working on this scarf. She heard her friend Samuel was making hats, she tried to make one and that gave her an even bigger appreciation for his hard work. Hats are not an easy task! So, Sadie decided she would finish this project... she has enjoyed making it and hopes to make more someday!

We pulled out the luggage for our annual trip to Medford for Thanksgiving; Syrah though it was pretty fun that she fits inside!!!

As we head out for Thanksgiving we want to wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving day. It is our prayer that the Lord will fill your heart with gentle reminders of ALL we have to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depth of the earth and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. ~Psalm 95:1-7a

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hidden Treasure

Syarh has out grown her kitchen; she rarely uses it anymore and she thought it would be good to give it to McKayla so that she could use it and play with it for a few years to come. Syrah did keep all her glass dishes, some of which belonged to her Great-Grandma Connie and her Grandma Valerie when they were growing up. We were trying to think of a good way to display them in her room that would be most efficient. Last night I woke up and remembered that we had he girls Great-Grandma's "kitchen" from when she was a little girls that we were keeping in the garage until Syrah was a bit older as it has glass cabinets and we wanted to make sure she was old enough for them. This morning I pulled out out from the garage and cleaned it all up!

Here it is!! My grandma Connie used this when she was little, my mom used it when she was little and I remember using it at my grandma's house when I was little. It is a treasure to have it here now for our girls to enjoy.

I love the latch; I can't think of anything else we have that has a latch like this one!

After we put all the "dishes" in it; she has several tea sets and often the girl set up restaurants for us or for their animals and friends.

Most of these glass dishes belong to either my grandma or my mom from when they were growing up, so they are all quite special.

Veterans' Day

Koen & McKayla's first trip to Seattle

This weekend Jake, Jaime, Koen and McKayla came to stay with us for a night... it was so fun to have them up here. We haven't seen Jaime and the kids in a year and they have grown so much. The girls had a good time playing with their cousins during their first trip to Seattle. We look forward to future trips were we can show them around sites like the zoo, aquarium, Pike Place, but for this trip it was a great time to spend time together and play!

Sadie and McKayla; she has gotten so big and is quite the little talker!!

Syrah and Koen; they had a great time playing together and my favorite was when Koen would give Syrah kisses.

We look forward to seeing them all again in just a few weeks when we travel to Medford for Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 3, 2008

All Dressed Up

The girls were Thing 1 and Thing 2 this year for Halloween; it was especially fun that they got to dress up for "literacy day" at school.

In the evening we went trick-or-treating with some friends.

Grandpa (aka Samuel) took the kids (Micah - Cat in the Hat, Sadie - Thing 1, Syrah - Thing 2) out for some safe fun at the Mill Creek Town Center. We had a great time; after Grandpa took them trick-or-treating we had some dinner and then came home in hopes we might get some trick-or-treaters; unfortunately we only had a few!