Monday, March 24, 2008

We are Homeowners!

We are so pleased to announce that we officially are homeowners!! We signed papers today, will be getting keys Friday and we will be moving in shortly. We look forward to welcoming you each to our home soon!! Thank you to all who have been praying for us through this. All of your prayers have been heard and we feel so blessed!

Our entry way and kitchen
Our kitchen bar where we look forward to chatting with you over a meal being prepared.
Our living room (yes, the paint is a tad bright, but with furniture and stuff on the walls, it is very warm).

Easter Fun!

Sunday we had a pretty quite morning around the house and then we went to have Easter Dinner at my Grandma Connie's house. I forgot all about taking pictures until right before we left.
Billy and my Grandma Connie

Each year the Caceres Family hosts a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt at their home. They have been doing this for many years and in the time we have known them we haven't been able to participate. This year however, we were there and WOW the work they put into making this fun for the kids is amazing!!! Both the girls are talking non stop about how fun it was!!
These are the kids lining up to start the egg hunt!
Sadie looking for eggs! Each child (I believe there were 34 this year) have 10 eggs to find in addition to several other goodies marked with their names!
Syrah checking out all her finds!
All the kids at the Easter Hunt!!
After we stayed and had an Easter dinner with them; here are the kids going through their baskets together!
Thank you Caceres family for an amazing Easter event!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome Spring!!!

Spring is one of my favorite seasons. I wanted to take a moment to enjoy the first signs of Spring I have noticed in my days.

Along my daily drive there are tons and tons of these blooming tree's. The girls and I marvel at them every day!! Love them!!

Reasons I love Spring:
~~~Sun peaking in through the blinds in the morning~~~

~~~Sound of birds welcoming the day. Something about listening to these birds makes me feel as if each day they start in song and song always makes me think of praise, great reminder to me each day to be thankful for the day behind and the day ahead~~~

~~~Smell of rain after a few dry days~~~

~~~Start of new life, the trees in bloom, the flowers pushing their way through the dirt~~~

~~~The smell of fresh cut grass (sorry for those of you who have allergies; I grew up with a major grass allergy, but have been blessed enough to grow out of this and now am grateful for this smell)~~~

~~~Capri pants, these are one of Sadie's favorite pants and she is always excited when she gets the okay to wear them again~~~

~~~Open windows, I love cracking the window open and getting some fresh air~~~

~~~Longer day light~~~

~~~Spring cleaning (which took on an entirely new meaning while packing)~~~

~~~Starting fresh… Spring always feels like a fresh start and ahead our family is looking forward to a "fresh start" in so many ways~~~

~~~Time in the park, this time of year we try to start spending more time at the park~~~

What are some of the reasons you love Spring?

Happenings of the days...

Busy days we have had, but we have managed to have lots of fun and get in lots of family/friend time.
Last Thursday we had our friends the Ryan's over for dinner. After the kids played a bit they each made ice cream Sunday's (well, Sadie ate M&M's, but the rest enjoyed the ice cream).
Saturday Sadie participated in the AWANA games (AWANA is a church activity the girls have been participating in the last few years). Sadie was extremely grateful to be able to participate this year and she had a lot of fun!
Here is an action shot of Sadie during one of the competitions!
Saturday night, Billy and I were able to go out on a date with some friends. The food was awesome and we had a great time. (I even wore a dress!)
Sunday afternoon we went to Dad & Kelly's house for some wedding planning and some fun. They had given the girls each an Easter basket. Syrah has not let that bunny leave her site once since Sunday!!
Late Sunday afternoon as a treat, we all went to see Horton hears a Who. We went to a small theatre in Kirkland which was different and fun. The movie has a great message, but I would be cautious with little ears (they put a lot of "name calling" in the movie, not sure why they feel they need to do those things in "kids" movies).
Later I will update on what we have been doing in between all that fun!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Simply feet

I have been having kinda a rough day; a day where I find myself less patient, more irritable and full of anxiety about situations I have no control (sounds like I am assuming I ever had control). I have no real reason, just using "the day" as my excuse, but then I open to read my Bible and this picture pops into my mind. Why this picture? So, I start reflecting on why God might put this simple picture of my daughters precious feet in the front of my mind.... I searched under feet, but that doesn't seem to be what I am to find, for I still can't seem to avoid the feeling in which God has placed on me over this picture. I stop and spend some time in prayer, about my day, about my anxiety, about this picture and I receive an answer: it's the path! I can't see the path right now. I know it is there, I can feel it strong and steady under foot, but I can't see ahead and it's making me foggy. He's not unsteady, He knows my path, He has His plan underway for His glory, but here I am impatient, irritable and anxious because I want Him to give me answers now. I turn to:
Psalm 25:4 ~ Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
This was what I was meant to read, but there was more... the entire passage of Psalm 25 was calling me and as I read this I again find myself in prayer, but this time asking God's forgiveness for my selfish desire and asking His help, His will in the path ahead and so a simple picture of two precious feet are placed on my heart so that I can feel His peace.

Friday, March 7, 2008

~~~I'm THIRTY~~~

I am officially in my thirty's - yeah!!! I had a great birthday; in the morning we went to church and then out to breakfast with our dear friends the Caceres's to one of my favorite places growing up... the Pancake Haus.

If you have never eaten at the Pancake Haus in Edmonds, I highly recommend it; the food takes a bit (but they tell you that right on the menu), but it is well worth the wait.

After breakfast we came back to our place and I was spoiled rotten with gifts!!! Who gets this many cards???? Spoiled Rotten I tell ya'!!

Then we went to my grandma's to have dinner with her, my mom, brother and sister-in-law. Here is me and my grandma!!

Look at that man, I am a very blessed lady to have such a hunk of a guy on my arm!!

To finish off the night we went back to my grandma's for cake and ice cream and a little more spoiling... How many people does it take to light all those candles???
It was a great day, full of sweet memories and I appreicate all who had a part in making is special for me. I especially thank each who have come along side me in my thirty years; some have been on the walk since the start, some have joined along the way, but each have made the walk what it is today... for that I am grateful and call myself blessed!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Where is this???

Any guess what this might be??

It's March

Syrah has a coloring calendar; each month is a new theme and she colors it and we write down important dates to remember... birthdays, events. She often asks several people to help her color her month and she is pretty specific on which part she would like your help with. I love March, I am looking forward to Spring and we have tons of time this month with family and friends!!