Friday, February 29, 2008

Card of love...

I got two cards in the mail yesterday, but I have to share my favorite... it's from my nephew Koen... I miss him so much and he is growing up so fast!
Hard to believe that his little baby sister, McKayla will be able to start to color by this time next year!
Thanks for the birthday love!! I will keep this card forever!!

Birthday surprise

So, Wednesday night after my bible study two of my girl friends suprised me by taking me to Red Robin. It was super nice of them to want to celebrate my big 30
(super excited to be at 30!!).
Here is Cori surprising me with several balloons and some dress up!!! I wonder if the motivation was to embarasse me... hmmm...
Yes, those things on my headband say "birthday princess"... and I have some major bling around my neck!
Katrina, Cori and myself after a yummy dessert and some good laughs - thanks girls... I feel the love!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Enjoying the weather...

On Monday Bill had to work so the girls and I decided to go to the zoo. It was extra special because my grandma (great-grandma to the girls) was able to join us.

The girls with their Great-Grandma Connie, we were so happy she joined us!!

Syrah's favorite animal was the Golden Lion Tamarin - they are SO much fun to watch and have so much energy. Grandma brought her binoculars (the wisdom of a grandma because I had never thought to do this) - both girls loved being able to check out the animals that weren't close enough to view!!

Sadie's favorite this time was the Elephant; we arrived just in time to watch one finish taking a bath. For treats they threw the elephant some carrots and it was lots of fun to watch him use his trunk to pick them up. Sadie kept a journal about each and every animal we saw on our visit so we could share with Dad what we saw.

My favorite was the Jaguar... in the many years since this new exhibit has been complete I have never viewed the Jaguar this close. What an amazing animal. He was napping right near the window and as it appears enjoying the warmth of the sunshine. He is beautiful!
After the zoo we went to have lunch with dad and share our fun time at the zoo. We had a great time!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

house hunting

Haven't had any time to post; nor have I taken a single picture to share. We have started house hunting. We are in it now and activly looking for the place we will soon call home.
Keep checking back for updates on this wild adventure!
Seriously though, in the midst of house hunting (which does take a lot of time); we have had a few laid back days here and there. We have shared meals with friends and with family and have even had some time to curl up and watch a movie (whow!).
Hopefully we will have some pictures to share with you soon!